Our School Hours
Bell times
8:50am Walk to class and prepare for the day
8:50am Start of our school day. First teaching session commences
11:00am Start of eating time
11:15am Play time starts
11:50am End of play time
11:50am Start of second teaching session
1:20pm Start of afternoon tea break
1:50pm Start of third teaching session
2:55pm End of our school day
Arrival at School
Students should not arrive at school before 8:00am. There is no playtime before school. All students are expected to wait in the designated area (outside the Library) until 8.15am when students are escorted down to the oval for morning fitness
Late Arrivals and Early Departures
Students who arrive to school after 8.50am must report to the office for a “Late Arrival” slip. Parents or caregivers who wish to collect their child prior to the end of the school day, must come to the office first to collect an “Early Departure” slip before collecting their child from the classroom.
Parent or caregivers must advise the school of the reason for any student absence. To advise of an absence please either phone the
Student Absence Line on 5549 7366, email
admin@cedarcreekss.eq.edu.au or respond to the text which is sent to parents each morning if their child has an unexplained absence. Any further unexplained absences will be followed up with a email asking for an explanation.
Our office hours
Our school office is open from 8:00am to 3:30pm each school day.